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Financial Life Planning

Use the Present to Plan the Future

Am I saving enough?
Am I spending too much?
Will I be able to travel?

No matter what your questions, concerns, or dreams, you need to take action. The road to success begins with a plan. You may find you are in better shape than you thought.

We are all unique. There are generalities in the financial world, but no absolutes. What works for some people may not work for another. That is where a financial life plan can benefit you. Going through the process you come face-to-face with yourself and your financial behavior.

Cash Flow and Net Worth Analysis

Cash flow and net worth are the spine of any plan. Knowing what you have coming in and going out as well as your assets and liabilities is the first stage. This step enables you to see what is available to apply towards your goals.


There are incidents in life that can be unpredictable. You want to be prepared for those “what if” possibilities. As we go through the different aspects of your plan, we identify the risks and review your protection. I am available to work with your agent to determine if your coverage is appropriate.

Retirement Planning

A common fear is the possibility of running out of money. Address this by going through the financial life planning process. There are many moving pieces: income, expenses, retirement age, rates of return, tax laws, and inflation rates are some of them. Tweaking variables will allow you to see different scenarios that can positively affect the outcome of your plan. We can address when to take your Social Security and/or pension as well as what accounts to withdraw from to supplement your income. I specialize in helping people create a life of purpose.

Home Ownership

Buying a home has always been the American dream. Today the cost of homes in some areas has made this more difficult to realize. It takes planning and saving to be able to accomplish. Likewise, when interest rates dip, people want to know whether they should refinance their mortgage. This is not always the wisest thing to do. It depends on your current rate, the amount of your balance, and the number of years you have paid on your mortgage. I will run the numbers for you to see if it would be favorable for you to refinance.

Estate Planning

Estate planning is a topic that is often avoided. You work hard to accumulate your assets, and you deserve to have them managed or be passed along according to your wishes. I can help you prepare the information you will need in your conversations with an estate planning attorney.

Education Planning

A rule of thumb has been the rate of tuition increases more than twice the rate of general inflation. How do you keep up with that? I assist you in calculating the projected cost of your child’s education. We look at your cash flow and any competing goals to see what will be a realistic amount for you to save.

Tax Planning

Your income and investments influence your tax status. I am able to recommend some tax savings ideas around investments. Also, I can work with your CPA or tax professional to ensure you are optimizing existing tax benefits.